Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a time ! ! !

Roger is still fighting the fight.....He has list about 20 lbs., but still trys to eat and drink as much as he can just doesn't taste good to him.....He is now undergoing chemo treatment to help with pain and also new medication which is in the form of a patch every three days....still taknig some percocet on occasion......we are still planning on making the trip to Mesquite this year...we won't play any golf , but just be with our friends and hang out...planning on stopping in Grand Junction to see Jeff and the family for a night to and from......
Had a trying week this week with our little Colbie Marie Hanson...last week celebrating her first b-day and this week celebrating her coming thru her heart surgery....while having a tornado warning while the actual srugery was taking place at Children's hospital this past thursday...we were all just beside ourselves....but she made it thru just fine and is home now doing good. They will monitor her closely for the next month and for months and years to come....She was such a trooper and such a great little patient....the doctors and nurses were so impressed with her. Thank you for all of your prayers and well really does help to know how much people think and pour out their love at a time like is so very much appreciated......
We will keep you all posted on any changes....hope we can report only good

Friday, April 2, 2010

Continuing with more Chemo

Roger was given the option of more Chemo or nothing.....He has opted for more because of his pain level and because the cancer is still not invading his vital organs...It just might help him thru this next level of Cancer "Hell" he is enduring. He will still recieve his injection of Zomita and Lupron. He will start this next week....He told the Doctor that he wanted to LIVE as long as he could... we are all hoping that it will be with some quality, but of the last few weeks he has been in a lot of pain......He reads a lot and sleeps and his appetite is not that good anymore......
He says that his sense of smell and taste is gone....His hair and nails are growing again to just be erased again because of the next round of chemo.....Our son Jeff thinks that there will be a miracle about to happen and that Roger will be OK......truth be known.....nobody knows what will happen in the next months......I only want some peace and some pain relief for Roger. It is so very hard living with someone that you love and you just cannot help them, just be their support system and cheerleader of which I have some years of experience with.........
Just wanted to keep everyone up-to-date of this newest news........thank you for caring about us......Roger and Dianne
Please keep us in your prayers as we will all of you ! ! !
Colbie Marie Hanson will be undergoing Heart surgery on April 22nd (Roger's and My 15th Anniversary) Please pray all goes well for her little heart thank you
Aunt Wilma is home and doing as well as she can do for now......
Gert is doing well also
Happy Easter and Spring Everyone