Saturday, May 30, 2009


What the heck does that mean?......Roger is the most patient man in the world....I know that he doesn't like feeling the way that he feels of late, but I still do not hear any negativity from him....He is hopeful that everything will be better when the next day is is sat. and he had a very down day....He is not on any morphine, just Ibuprofen, but that alone is taking its toll on his stomach.....If you want some humor in all of this, he is craving junk food LIKE CRAZY. The nurses told im he needs to eat all the calories he can, because of the radiation. So he listens to them and its whatever he feels like and how much....kind of like a pregnant women....(he is getting female hormones still....I wonder if that has something to do with it?) He hasn't asked for pickles and ice cream yet......We will go to the Doc this tuesday to hear all about tests and results and plans. We will let you all know all about it next blog. thank you again for the food (yummy yummy potatoe salad and beans from Mark and Lori! ! ! Yummy peach cobbler from Terry and Shirley, you all are great.....thank you Patti P. for watching out for us on a daily basis...hope I haven't forgotten anyone......must go for now......

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