Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Have not written for a few, so here goes... Roger is now in Longmont for his treatments for the bone cancer they found in his arm...I don't have a clue what the cryotherapy did, but his pain was and still is there.....They say that the radiation will help the pain.....We have no results yet from the MRI that was done at the VA. Roger went for a pet scan today that will tell us if the cancer had spread to any other parts of the body.....liver, lungs, etc......Roger is still trying to keep the stiff upper lip. I know that he is trying to stay strong for me, I just wish that I could make this all go away for him, because I know what is in store. He will keep on fighting, because that is who he is....He is a dear man and husband, who does not deserve to go thru what he has gone thru so far....The health insurance system in our country needs a big revamping and I would not know how to even begin that task. I just know that for our grandchildren, I hope that it will be better......soon! Roger's fight has been mainly predicated on what Insurance will or will not do for him and when....the system sucks.....hope your Insurance is better......signing off for now.....Love Dianne

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dianne and Roger,
    We are on our way to AZ to spend some time with Greg and his family. Hope things are going better by the time we get back home.

    You are never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers.

    Love you,
